Sweet Destruction


The Sweet Destruction Tee is a graphic representation on how our community has taken a stand against the harm that Big Sugar has caused our country. The design stemmed from a conversation I had with CrossFit Founder, Greg Glassman, a few months back regarding the topic on Big Sugar’s effects on our country’s population and how little awareness there seems to be. Some might find this design offensive, but this graphic depiction of Pukie’s rage pales in comparison to the big ugly truth Big Sugar’s role has had on negatively affecting the lives of millions of Americans. Inflame, educate, organize & mobilize.

Diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes in the United States

Total: 29.1 million people or 9.3% of the population have diabetes.

Diagnosed: 21.0 million people.

Undiagnosed: 8.1 million people (27.8% of people with diabetes are undiagnosed).





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