
The world wasn’t always a place where strong women were met with acceptance. It was only less than a century ago that women were given the right to vote, and even more recently that they found their way into professional sports. Still today many of the stereotypes exist, but in the last decade it seems that the social playing field between men and women has really shifted. It is now more than ever that women are being recognized for their strengths and given a chance to show their true potential.

#PinkRedefined is a campaign created by ASRX to highlight some of the strongest women we know. The women who are not only physically strong, but through their work ethics and attitudes have helped to shift the public's perception on what defines beauty. We believe these women amongst many others are the foundation of a change that will impact the futures of women worldwide.

Over the next few weeks we will be highlighting these women through these blog posts on our website. We invite you to learn a little more about these athletes and also to participate in the campaign. We are sure that there are women in your direct lives that help to strengthen that foundation, and we encourage you to post about them on Instagram with the hashtag #PinkRedefined and @LifeASRX.

Additionally we have created this limited edition tank top in which 20% of every purchase will go to help fight breast cancer. Please take a look and help contribute to the cause. We are a community of force...a force to be reckoned with.


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  • Maryannclief

    Across the world of rapidly changing finance and variable costs from time to time situations arise where you need to get financial support until your next salary. In this context, a salary loan becomes one of the favorite financial appliances. It is necessary to consider what kind of lending this is and how it can be can be useful.
    1. Definition of Loan up to Wages

    A loan up to salary is a short-term type of [url=https://nearmepaydayloans1.site/]payday loans[/url] provided to the borrower on the terms of repayment on the day of receipt of his next salary. Usually such loans have small amounts, and their purpose is to assist the borrower to cope with temporary financial difficulties until the subsequent payment of salary.
    2. Advantages of a loan up to Wages

    Urgency: Pre-payday loans as usual are issued quickly, making them an attractive solution for those faced with sudden expenses .

    Ease of Obtaining: The process of design of such loans is as usual small. The borrower quite often require provide only basic information and proof of stable income.

    No Lending History: For most loans up to salary there is no required verification of the lending history of the borrower, which is a big advantage for those , who do not have fair credit history.

    3. Features of Repayment and Refinancing Rates

    Repayment Term: As usual the loan term until salary composes several weeks or until next wages of the borrower.

    Interest Rates: The rates on such loans can be higher than long-term loans since they are provided on a short-term basis and frequently do not require collateral.

    4. Safety and Regulation

    Legality and Regulation: Fundamentally choose only reliable monetary organizations and legitimate lenders, since regulation in this area helps prevent dishonest practices.

    Protection of consumers: Laws and regulations ensure protection of consumers, including transparency of conditions of credit and provision of complete information about interest and fees.

    5. Prudence and Alternatives

    Consideration of Alternatives: Before applying for a loan up to salary, it is worth considering alternative options, including borrowing from friends or families, appeal to charitable organizations or consider other financial possibilities.

    Reasonable Use: Important use credit before salary appropriate and responsibly, avoiding constant application for such loans and observing repayment deadlines.


    A payday loan is a tool that possibly useful in situations of short-term monetary difficulties. However, it should be used with caution, observing repayment deadlines and electing reliable lenders. Remember that financial security is an important aspect of your personal card game, and smart money planning will help avoid excessive monetary difficulties.

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